Darbar sahib Hukamnama 27/02/2021 Amritsar sahib Golden temple



Ajj Da Hukamnama Sahib Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar Sahib, Harmandir Sahib Goldentemple, Morning Mukhwak, Date:- 27-02-21, Ang. 742

सूही महला ५ ॥ अनिक बींग दास के परहरिआ ॥ करि किरपा प्रभि अपना करिआ ॥१॥ तुमहि छडाइ लीओ जनु अपना ॥ उरझि परिओ जालु जगु सुपना ॥१॥ रहाउ ॥ परबत दोख महा बिकराला ॥ खिन महि दूरि कीए दइआला ॥२॥ सोग रोग बिपति अति भारी ॥ दूरि भई जपि नामु मुरारी ॥३॥ द्रिसटि धारि लीनो लड़ि लाइ ॥ हरि चरण गहे नानक सरणाइ ॥४॥२२॥२८॥

Soohee, Fifth Mehl: God covers the many shortcomings of His slaves. Granting His Mercy, God makes them His own. ||1|| You emancipate Your humble servant, and rescue him from the noose of the world, which is just a dream. ||1|| Pause|| Even huge mountains of sin and corruption are removed in an instant by the Merciful Lord. ||2|| Sorrow, disease and the most terrible calamities are removed by meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||3|| Bestowing His Glance of Grace, He attaches us to the hem of His robe. Grasping the Lord’s Feet, O Nanak, we enter His Sanctuary. ||4||22||28||

soohee mehlaa 5. anik beeNg daas kay parhari-aa. kar kirpaa parabh apnaa kari-aa. ||1|| tumeh chhadaa-ay lee-o jan apnaa. urajh pari-o jaal jag supnaa. ||1|| rahaa-o. parbat dokh mahaa bikraalaa. khin meh door kee-ay da-i-aalaa. ||2|| sog rog bipat at bhaaree. door bha-ee jap naam muraaree. ||3|| darisat Dhaar leeno larh laa-ay. har charan gahay naanak sarnaa-ay. ||4||22||28||

Soohee, Fifth Mehl: God covers the many shortcomings of His slaves. Granting His Mercy, God makes them His own. ||1|| You emancipate Your humble servant, and rescue him from the noose of the world, which is just a dream. ||1|| Pause|| Even huge mountains of sin and corruption are removed in an instant by the Merciful Lord. ||2|| Sorrow, disease and the most terrible calamities are removed by meditating on the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||3|| Bestowing His Glance of Grace, He attaches us to the hem of His robe. Grasping the Lord’s Feet, O Nanak, we enter His Sanctuary. ||4||22||28||

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