Ajj da hukamnana sahib sri Darbar sahib Anritsar, morning Mukhwaak, Harmandir sahib Goldentemple, 24-02-20, Ang no. 581
Hukamnama & Meanings in English
Vaddehans Mehalaa 1 ||Jin Jag Siraj Samaaeiaa So Saahib Kudharath Jaanovaa ||Sacharraa Dhoor N Bhaaleeai Ghatt Ghatt Sabadh Pashhaanovaa ||Sach Sabadh Pashhaanahu Dhoor N Jaanahu Jin Eaeh Rachanaa Raachee ||Naam Dhhiaaeae Thaa Sukh Paaeae Bin Naavai Pirr Kaachee ||Jin Thhaapee Bidhh Jaanai Soee Kiaa Ko Kehai Vakhaano ||Jin Jag Thhaap Vathaaeiaa Jaaluo So Saahib Paravaano ||1||
Meaning: (O brother!) The God who has created the world and has the power to absorb it into himself, considers the owner who lives in this nature. (O brother!) The eternal God should not try to seek (somewhere else) away (from the nature of nature). Identification of the same person in every body. (O brother!) Do not consider the God who has created this creation far away from it (somewhere else), (in every body) recognize his attire.
When man confines the divine name, then he attains spiritual bliss (and disorders cannot be emphasized, but) Without the name of Lord, the world becomes unable to win against the vices.
The God who has created the creation also knows the method of protecting it; no living being (unlike him) can teach anything else. The lord who has created a world (by putting the trap of Maya's attachment on it) is the known owner (and he is able to save the creatures from this trap). 1.
Meaning: (O brother!) The God who has created the world and has the power to absorb it into himself, considers the owner who lives in this nature. (O brother!) The eternal God should not try to seek (somewhere else) away (from the nature of nature). Identification of the same person in every body. (O brother!) Do not consider the God who has created this creation far away from it (somewhere else), (in every body) recognize his attire.
When man confines the divine name, then he attains spiritual bliss (and disorders cannot be emphasized, but) Without the name of Lord, the world becomes unable to win against the vices.
The God who has created the creation also knows the method of protecting it; no living being (unlike him) can teach anything else. The lord who has created a world (by putting the trap of Maya's attachment on it) is the known owner (and he is able to save the creatures from this trap). 1.
Hukamnama & meaning in Hindi
वडहंसु महला १ ॥ जिनि जगु सिरजि समाइआ सो साहिबु कुदरति जाणोवा ॥ सचड़ा दूरि न भालीऐ घटि घटि सबदु पछाणोवा ॥ सचु सबदु पछाणहु दूरि न जाणहु जिनि एह रचना राची ॥ नामु धिआए ता सुखु पाए बिनु नावै पिड़ काची ॥ जिनि थापी बिधि जाणै सोई किआ को कहै वखाणो ॥ जिनि जगु थापि वताइआ जालुो सो साहिबु परवाणो ॥१॥
अर्थ: ( हे भाई!) जिस परमात्मा ने जगत पैदा करके इसको अपने आप में लीन करने की ताकत भी अपने पास रखी है उस मालिक को इस कुदरति में बसता समझ। (हे भाई!) सदा-स्थिर रहने वाले परमात्मा को (रची कुदरत से) दूर (किसी और जगह) तलाशने का यत्न नहीं करना चाहिए। हरेक शरीर में उसी का हुकम बरतता पहचान। (हे भाई!) जिस परमात्मा ने ये रचना रची है उसको इससे दूर (कहीं अलग) ना समझो, (हरेक शरीर में) उसका अटॅल हुकम बरतता पहचानो।
जब मनुष्य परमात्मा का नाम सिमरता है तब आत्मिक आनंद पाता है (और विकारों का जोर भी इस पर नहीं पड़ सकता, पर) प्रभू के नाम के बिना दुनिया विकारों से मुकाबला जीतने में असमर्थ हो जाती है।
जिस परमात्मा ने रचना रची है वही इसकी रक्षा की विधि भी जानता है, कोई जीव (उसके उलट) कोई (और) उपदेश नहीं कर सकता। जिस प्रभू ने जगत पैदा करके (इसके ऊपर माया के मोह का) जाल बिछा रखा है वही जाना-माना मालिक है (और वही इस जाल में से जीवों को बचाने के समर्थ है)।1।
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